
Having Good Shoes is a Must!

Everybody knows that good shoes are necessary for motion, exercise, active living, and community engagement. Having a nice pair of shoes is important not just because you need to look good but because it’s your gear for protection. It’s like an ironclad battle gear that serves as your shield when you’re about to go to war.

Anyone, whether you’re a sportsman or just someone trying to work out a good shoe is a requirement. I can still recall clearly in my head an incident way back when I was a kid trying to learn tennis, I was just wearing plain old sneakers. Tennis is a sport that is taxing to the body as you need to stop hard by your feet when running towards the ball. As I was trying to do some passing shots, staying low, and running from corner to corner, I heard a popping sound. I rolled my ankle and sprained it which made me shout in agonizing pain. It took me quite some time to recover, not just because it hasn’t healed but it has a mental effect on me as well. Had I worn proper tennis shoes, the accident could have been averted. Hence, the importance of the right pair of shoes.

Why is it so important?

A decent pair of shoes is important as any injury can cost you your dream championship in your beloved sport or even your desired weight if you’re on a weight-loss program. It’s a must to invest in great shoes not only to avoid injuries but to have a better experience. Wearing something not fitting can be an unpleasant experience, it can even be painful to your joints. As an Occupational Therapist, it’s my job to treat ill, injured, or disabled patients. I help them to recover and improve their bodily functions so that they can perform even the simplest of tasks or go back to their normal lives after the accident. Since I always need to stand up, stoop, or support them, it’s important for me to have a shoe that is well-cushioned, something that can prevent foot fatigue. The strain of standing all day and ill-fitting footwear can lead to bunions and calluses. So as with my patients, they need a shoe that can support their injuries. It needs to have arch support, heel cushioning, or shock absorption capability. Breathability, flexibility, and easy access are things that need to be considered as well. Having the right shoe is essential if you’re trying to recover from an injury or if you’re harboring one.

What do Good shoes have in Common?

There are certain parameters to what a good shoe is and it depends on your needs. Wear and tear can be bad on your feet so we need to take care of it at all costs. That is something that we need to consider. Wearing an ill-fitting shoe can also lead to serious medical conditions as it can prevent blood flow. It can even cause some injuries so choosing the perfect fitting shoe is vital. Choosing the right shoe is like choosing a life partner, there are things that you need to consider. If you put fashion and style in the backseat, functionality, and comfort must be the priority. A nice pair of shoes has to be adjustable. An adjustable strap, such as easy-to-fasten Velcro and laces, is needed because this can allow you some adjustment. Breathing space is important should you not want it to snug too tightly. Most of the time, we also look for an added layer of protection. We want some extra layers of rubber, cushioned ankles, and extra foot support that can protect our toes and heels so that they don’t scuff and will not be too rough on our heels. With that, we also want it to be stable and roomy enough. Generally, comfort is the top priority in choosing the right shoes. Since we keep on asking you to workout for better stability and for total wellness, it’s a must to protect your feet the best way you can. To do so, a shoe that is comfy yet sturdy enough to prevent slip, trips, and falls is a must.

What are some shoe-donning strategies to assist you?

You must be scratching your head or even bursting into laughter as to why we are giving you some tips on how to don your shoes correctly. Yes, you’re not a kid anymore and it’s a routine that you can do even when your eyes are closed. But don’t you know that there are some strategies to make it more effective, to help you avoid discomfort and even unwanted injuries. Just like in a proper posture, in donning your shoes, there’s the right way of doing it as well. These are some donning strategies that you can master. First, bring your foot or ankle onto the knee, rotate your hip, place it into your other hip, don the shoe, and close the zip. Gentle, fluid motion is important. If you can’t visualize it, follow our video as it’s so easy to do. This should certainly be followed if you’re aged, physically challenged, or even injured. Being unable to do so can have debilitating repercussions. The second is to place the foot into the middle portal, turn your heel in, and zip closed. Footstools or footrests can help those who have trouble reaching their feet. It can lessen the pressure on your legs and avoid straining your lower back when you try to reach your feet. The third one is without bending, enter the foot through the middle portal, and turn in. No zipping is required, our easy shoe access remains fixed on your foot. It’s also extra breathable without closing for short distances. Mastering these techniques will not only be helpful but also will be beneficial to your wellness in the long run.

Why are we giving you some of these strategies and why are we telling you what a good shoe is?

It’s because we care for you and your well-being. No matter what the activity is or the environment you are in, as a baseline good shoes provide slip-resistance and support. They must be comfortable (feel and look good enough that you want to wear them), and — don’t sleep on this part as it’s a major barrier for millions of Americans — you must be able to put them on with ease. The bottom line is if you think that putting on the shoes you need to live actively is a chore, for it to be much less difficult, you must explore the options and strategies we are providing you. At the end of the day, it’s a must to take care of your feet because if it’s hurting, life becomes less enjoyable. This is not only a call to action but a plea because we want you to stay safe and stay out of the hospital.

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